FILM 500 (for serious documentary lovers, history buffs, and supporters)
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Be a part of production of the documentary, "The Amazing Life & Times of Austin T. Levy: Visionary Entrepreneur"
Contribute $50: You'll get the limited First Edition book, "The Life & Business Philosophy of Austin T. Levy: Visionary Entrepreneur," Edited by Kenneth Proudfoot with new photos by Melanie Madden; PLUS a copy of the limited edition digital print poster (11" x 17") on heavy stock' PLUS one 3 x 4-1/2" oval collector's sticker commemorating the start of production.
Contribute $50: You'll get the limited First Edition book, "The Life & Business Philosophy of Austin T. Levy: Visionary Entrepreneur," Edited by Kenneth Proudfoot with new photos by Melanie Madden; PLUS a copy of the limited edition digital print poster (11" x 17") on heavy stock' PLUS one 3 x 4-1/2" oval collector's sticker commemorating the start of production.